Monday, November 30, 2009

Cicaplast Epidermal Recovery Accelerator

Cicaplast Epidermal Recovery Accelerator
La Roche Posay Cicaplast Epidermal Recovery Accelerator is a very descriptive name describing a product that molds the healing skin into a smooth layer while speeding up the healing process.

It was developed as a protective dressing for superficial wounds produced by skin peels of all kinds including dermabrasion, laser and chemical peels. It has caught on as being great for any post procedure dressing for healing wounds, since it contains; Zinc Gluconate, an antibacterial agents that limits the proliferation of micro-organisms; Madecassodide + Copper/Zinc/Manganese Mineral complex, that promotes skin repair; and the dressing effect of silicone texture for skin protection.

It greatly benefits cracked or rough skin by allowing it to heal under a protective barrier. Cicaplast works well for those with thin sensitive skin since it provides an added layer of support to skin that is unstable and easily traumatized.

The next time you have a burn or skin abrasion try Cicaplast and you will notice the added support and protection barrier that it gives to the tender wound.

See U next week.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Acne and Today's Treatment

Acne is a skin condition that typically starts in the early teens and lasts into early adulthood. It can, however, start later and last many years. Its manifestations are oily skin, large pores, inflamed pores with plugs, abscesses (pimples), and hard lumps deep within the skin.

Without treatment it becomes a viscious cycle of oily debris, dead skin cells, plugged pores, bacteria, inflammation and infection.

Dead skin cells and oil plug the pores causing inflammation. The inflammation adds swelling to the walls of the pores, which further plugs the pores. Bacteria within the pores begin to grow and produce infection. As the infection becomes worse white blood cells migrate in to destroy the bacteria. In the process large numbers of bacteria and white blood cells die and form pus, thus the abscess (pimple) is formed. At this point most teenagers will seek help.

Help for this process begins with cleansing the face. Cleansers, such as, Biomedic Antibac Acne Wash work better than soap, because soap can temporarily leave the skin dry and cracked, which can add to bacteria entering the skin. Exfoliants, like Biomedic Exfozyme, are used to unplug the pores of dead skin cells and thick oil.

Salicylic acid, found in La Roche Posay Effaclar AI Targeted Breakout Corrector and in La Roche-Posay Effaclar Active Matte Moisturizer, is used to control inflammation and swelling and lessen the need for treatment of infection.

When infection starts there is a need to control the spread of bacteria by using antibacterials , such as, Cicaplast Epidermal Recovery Accelerator, which contains Madecassodide and Copper/Zinc/Manganese Mineral Complex. If antibiotics can be avoided it helps to prevent from forming resistant strains of bacteria.

With the skin clean, the pores unplugged, inflammation controlled and bacteria inhibited acne will not remain a serious problem.
See U next week

Monday, October 26, 2009

Part 3, Understanding Skin Types

Everyone with all of the other skin types think you are lucky if you have normal skin type, you don't have to do anything to your skin. Don't believe that. Yes, you are lucky, but to keep normal skin you need to do everything anyone else does. I mean by that you need to use a good cleanser, occasionally use an exfoliant, use a conditioner daily, use a moisturizer and always use a sunscreen as part of your daily skin care.

You should select products, to use daily, that contain antioxidants or if you prefer you can use our Biomedic C-Recovery Treatment, Biomedic Potent-C 10.5 Concentrate or one of the Redermic products, all of which are very potent antionidants. You will sometimes see two other skin types mentioned i.e., Environmentally damaged and Hyperpigmented. These are types that are caused by things we have done to our skin in contrast to being born with the type. These two types can be considered together since they are caused by the same skin exposure and overlap in visible changes. Both types are caused by damage to the skin from sun, wind, temperature, smoke, vapor or chemical exposure. The two most common are sun and smoke pollution damage. If you have one of these skin types, you should follow the cleansing and moisturizing for the skin type that you previously had prior to getting the skin damage and do everything possible to stop and reverse the damage. Skin damage occurs when free-radicals are released. Free-radicals can go the rampage and damage the DNA which causes the aging process to speed up, and at first, pigment and texture changes are evident, then fine lines and wrinkles are visible and eventually tumors and skin cancers begin to grow. If we prevent sun damage by using sunscreen and prevent smoke damage by not smoking and stay away from those that do smoke, we can greatly improve our chances of looking young, well into old age. If we also improve our chances by using plenty of antioxodants we should enter old age looking great. Those antioxidants are mentioned earlier in this writing.

See U next week.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Part 2, Understanding Skin Types

Dry skin is usually also sensitive, so we will discuss them together. Most of the time dry skin is very thin unless the dry layers have been allowed to build up into thick scales which can crack and become infected. Usually light exfoliation once a week is sufficient, but with scales it is best to remove them with a combination of moistutizers and Retinol or Exfozyme. It is important to remember that you must be very gentle when cleansing or applying anything to sensitive skin. That is why Toleriane Dermo-Cleanser was developed. It is made to be applied with the finger tips or a cotton ball and removed by wiping gently without rubbing.

Since fragrances and preservatives cause many allergies and skin reactions none of these products contain them. The entire line of Toleriane products was developed for sensitive skin, so we recommend Toleriane Facial Cream especially formulated to hydrate, soothe and protect very sensitive, intolerant, easily irritated skin as the moisturizer of choice.

Eczema and rosacea are two skin problems that usually fall under sensitive skin. A superb moisturizer-hydrator for them is Toleriane Facial Fluid which is also used for oily and combination skin. As with all skin types we should end with the application of a good sunscreen.

All of the sunscreens found on our site are fine for all skin types. You just need to decide if you want it combined with a moisturizer, such as, Anthelios SX Daily Moisturizing Cream with Sunscreen or if you prefer a higher SPF for a special outing, you may choose Antheliose 60. What ever you choose remember to use it every day to keep your skin protected and looking as good as is possible. Sunscreen is one of the best antiaging products available.

Next time we will continue with, part 3 of Understanding Skin Types.

See U next week.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Understanding Skin Types

We were all born with certain skin qualities that we tend to put into a classification of skin type. We may have oily skin, combination skin, dry skin, sensitive skin or what we call normal skin. We tend to try to do things to our skin to make it follow the course of what we call normal skin.

It is important to carry out a specific plan for your skin care. Oily and combination skins tend to have breakouts or acne, especially during the teenage years.

Cleansing is the single most important thing you should do for your skin. It should be done twice daily, preferably with a cleanser rather than soap, because soap can, for a short time, dry the skin and cause it to crack and allow bacteria to enter.

Cleansers, such as, Biomedic LHA Cleansing Gel or Effaclar Deep Cleansing Foaming Cream are especially good for removing the surface debris and also, for unplugging the skin pores of thick oil and dead cells that block the normal flow of oil and sweat from those orifices.

Preventing infection is another very important part of caring for oily and combination skin. It is necessary that you don't damage the skin in the process of rendering care, such as, using a harsh soap or using a coarse substance, like ground pits for exfoliation.

Salicylic acid is important to prevent inflammation around congested pores which can lead to infection if not controlled. Both of the previously mentioned cleansers contain salicylic acid, as does Effaclar AI Targeted Breakout Corrector.  Effaclar AI, a spot treatment, also contains benzoyl peroxide to control inflammation. 

It is sometimes difficult to keep makeup in place, it tends to run down your face, if you have excessively oily skin. Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel was made for that problem; it contains microspores that absorb oil and keep it under control. Your makeup can be applied over it and the problem is solved.

Oily skin can benefit from vitamin A products, such as, Retinol.  Biomedic Retinol cream comes in 3 strengths, 15, 30 and 60 and is a great benefit in keeping the pores free from dead cells and providing a strong antioxidant to keep the skin healthy. A sunburn can be disasterous, because if you already have a breakout the infection can spread to all burned areas, but if you don't have an acne breakout you may precipitate one. Next time we will continue with, part 2 about understanding skin types.

See U next week.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Antioxidants and Your Skin

To understand the role of antioxidants we need to understand why we need them. Oxidation is the process of destroying most things in nature. We all see what happens when iron rusts or when we cut an apple and see that it turns brown and eventually rots with exposure to air (oxygen). We know that iron can be kept from rusting by covering it with a coat of paint, or that the apple can be kept from turning brown by using lemon juice or the commercial preparation called “Stay Fresh”; both of which contain high levels of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), a known antioxidant.
When our body receives damage such as too much sun exposure, pollution or cigarette smoke the body cells are damaged. Some of these cells are missing a molecule and are called “free-radicals”. These free-radicals, in an attempt to regain their missing molecule, go on a rampage and damage other cells, sometimes changing the DNA. If the DNA is changed several things can happen, such as; the aging process may be increased ( the apple rots or the skin looks old and wrinkled), or cells may change into tumor cells or cancers. Free-radicals are normally kept under control by antioxidants like vitamin C. Vitamin C is not stored in the body and must be resupplied on a daily basis.
To protect our skin from the damage of living in the modern world with smoke, pollution and daily sun damage, La Roche Posay/Biomedic has provided us with a highly potent antioxidant called “Biomedic Potent C Concentrate”. Potent C contains 10.5 percent active Vitamin C ( L-ascorbic asid); Glycerin, an oil that retains water, and Propylene Glycol, a humectant that is hydroscopic, thus, pulls in water and holds on to it. Vitamin C is more readily absorbed into the skin if the dead cells are kept exfoliated by using a product, such as, Conditioning Gel Plus or the combination of Exfozyme and Micro Exfoliating Scrub. Also available are other beneficial antioxidants, such as, Active C for dry or Active C for normal skin, Active C Eyes, Biomedic Collagenist Powder, C-Recovery Treatment, and Biomedic Retinol 15,30, and 60 (Vitamin A). We feel it is important to maximize prevention and repair of skin damage before it becomes severe.
See U next week

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Sunscreens can be classified as Physical or Chemical. Physical agents sit on top of the skin and reflect the sun's rays, these include titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Chemical agents interact with the skin surface to provide a protective barrier, some of these are; oxybenzone, avobenzone (Parasol 1789), Mexoryl SX.
The American Academy of Dermatology Recommends that we use a sunscreen with a factor of at least SPF 15, and that it be reapplied every 2 hours when outside in the sun.
The invisible sun rays, ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB), cause most of the problems, including suntan, sunburn, and sun damage. Sunscreens help prevent skin damage, wrinkles and skin cancer.

UVA filter sunscreens include:
Avobenzone (Parsol1789), and Escamule (Mexoryl SX).

UVB filter sunscreens include:
Homosalate (water resistant), PABA, Octisalate (water resistant).

UVA+UVB filter sunscreens include:
Octocrylene (water resistant), Oxybenzone, Mexoryl XL, and two physical blocking agents, Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide.

For broad-spectrum protection UVB sunscreens are added to the UVA.

A product newly released in the USA is Mexoryl SX (ecamsule) that blocks UVA and has such a broad spectrum that it can be made with very high SPF factors.
La Roche Posay/Biomedic holds the patent on several of the UVA and UVB products as well as Mexoryl SX, and combines several of these into different broad-spectrum preparations for your convenience and special needs.
Several sunscreen combinations are available for your choosing, these are: (click the link for details)
Anthelios 15 WR (water resistant)
Anthelios 40
Anthelios 60 lotion

Anthelios 60 milk
Anthelios 60 fluid

Anthelios SX moisturizing cream with sunscreen
Biomedic Facial Shield SPF 30
Biomedic Gentle moisturizing lotion SPF 15

La Roche Posay Hydraphase UV
La Roche Posay Mela D skin lightening lotion SPF 15
La Roche Posay Redermic UV

If you choose you can pull up all of the products on this page.
You should be able to read the product description and find the perfect sunscreen combination for your needs. We feel we offer the best choices of the best sunscreens found anywhere.
See U next week.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Biomedic Conditioning Solution

Biomedic Conditioning Solution exfoliates deep into skin crevices, cleans out pores and smoothes the skin surface by dislodging clumps of keratin that give the skin that rough uneven feel. By opening the pores it prepares the skin to absorb moisturizers and hydrators that soften and smooth the skin. Conditioning Solution can be used on any skin type, but is especially good for hyperpigmented and environmentally damaged skin.
The active ingredients are: 1) Salicylic Acid 2) Glycolic Acid; exfoliators that clean pores and skin surface 3) Eucalyptus oil; moisturizer that hydrates and decongests the skin leaving it refreshed.
Many of our users of Biomedic Conditioning Solution also use Biomedic Purifying Cleanser for maximum effect. Both products are fragrance-free and thus are well tolerated by almost everyone. The morning application should also include a good sunscreen, which brings us to next weeks topic, a detailed discussion of sunscreens and their importance.
See U next week.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Biomedic Purifying Cleanser

This week we will give you some details about Biomedic Purifying Cleanser. It was one of the first items developed by Cristina Carlino as she produced Biomedic's line of skin care products for the Physician's office. It has remained one of our best sellers for almost 20 years.
Purifying Cleanser is recommended for all but the most sensitive skin and can be used with any of Biomedic's other skin care products. Typically, it is used at the end of the day and again in the morning to remove makeup and oily debris, which is made up of dead skin cells, sebum, salt and dirty grime.
When you are ready to retire, splash the face with warm water and apply a dime size dab of cleanser to the cheeks and massage with the finger tips for at least one minute, before rinsing. Conditioners or moisturizers may be used at this time. In the morning, always follow its use with a good sunscreen to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure and damage that can lead to wrinkles, blotches and even skin cancer.
Three active ingredients were chosen, for their specific actions, for Purifying Cleanser: 1) Glycolic Acid for it's wonderful exfoliation of dry dead skin cells; 2) Tocopheryl Acetate (vitamin E) for its important antioxidant effect that protects the skin from fine lines, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles of premature aging; 3) PEG 30 Glyceryl cocoate for its surfactant ability to break the surface tension of oily debris and dirt, allowing it to be easily washed away. Because of these three benefits Biomedic Purifying Cleanser makes an excellent skin prep for anyone having a cosmetic procedure such as: any type of skin peel, laser resurfacing or dermabrasion.
Because it is made without fragrance you can be sure there is never a conflict of odors that can leave an unpleasant smell or never an allergic reaction from an unnecessary added substance. The most common reason for allergic reactions to makeup and skin care products is added fragrance.
Next week we will discuss Biomedic Conditioning Solution.
See U Next week